America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen Title the Essay

Total Length: 1191 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Your Chosen Title

The overhauling of America's Health Care Systems has been a highly debated topic because it affects the quality of life, of virtually all residents living in America. A large portion of America's budget is spent on the healthcare system, however many Americans live day-to-day without healthcare coverage or medical insurance. It is surprising to know that although Americas has one of the strongest economies in the world, it lacks in this area. This resonates in the minds of many troubled Americans, who find themselves in serious economic problems due to their inability to provide healthcare coverage for themselves and their family.

Members of government and of the political arena understand that a demand exists, this demands is one that calls for healthcare coverage for all in America. In March 2010 congress responded to this demanded passed what is known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care reform. This Act will dramatically change the way the people will receive healthcare coverage. It will require that nearly all Americans carry health insurance, much like the way that all drivers are required to carry collision insurance for their vehicles. It also obligates insurance providers to coverage new incoming clients even when these have pre-existing medical conditions that would previously classify them as ineligible. This act also creates budget expansions for certain government programs while at the same cutting the budget of other programs.

The Healthcare reform will drastically change virtually every aspect of the current American Healthcare system. The most clear and significant way that change will occur is the expansion of and inclusion of Americans that will be covered thanks to this reform. According a report from CBS News "The uninsured and self-employed would be able to purchase insurance through state-based exchanges with subsidies available to individuals and families with income between the 133% and 400% of poverty level.

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" Many individuals that have been previously unable to receive insurance due to their income levels will now be able to receive coverage. This segment of the population looks favorably upon the new and sweeping changes that will take effect. Subsidies will be an important part of the changes that will take place, people that are not eligible for Medical or Medicare will be able to purchase insurance through the use government subsidies. Many people that are currently uninsured because their income levels put them in limbo will also now be covered. The economic level of these people makes them ineligible for Medical or Medicare, but they still do not make enough money to purchase insurance for themselves and their families. Many of these people have trouble receiving insurance coverage due to the medical conditions they have. This will no longer be an issue, because they new healthcare reform bill guarantees them coverage. This part of the act is especially beneficial to children. Before the enactment of this bill plans could deny anyone based on a pre-existing condition. Now healthcare plans can no longer deny children based on an illness or disease that existed or developed before the application for healthcare coverage was completed. This act also allows for children to stay protected by their family's healthcare plan until the age of 26. This plan also gives many children and their families the ability to receive preventive services such as vaccinations, medical screenings and testing in order to avoid future health problems and risks without financial costs to the patients. Part of the new law also provides seniors with large discounts off major brand-name drugs which….....

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