American Government in the Beginning, Essay

Total Length: 606 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Judicial activists like Chief Justice Earl Warren used their power to invoke the Constitution in social changes like school desegregation. They believe the government must stay current with the times and change, rather than become archaic.

Capital punishment is one of the most hotly debated punishments in our judicial system. That is because it is a very emotional issue, and both sides are equally convinced their ideas are right. Because it involves taking a life as punishment for a crime, it is an ethical and moral dilemma, too. Supporters of capital punishment believe it helps keep crime down by scaring potential criminals about the sacrifice they could pay if they commit a heinous crime. They also believe that if the criminal committed a crime like murder, that they could do it again if they faced the possibility of parole, so they believe capital punishment is good for public safety.
They also believe that it is retribution for the crime the person committed, and retribution for the victim's family.

Those who oppose the death penalty feel it is "cruel and unusual punishment" and that no one should take another life, even as a preventative measure. They also believe that it affects the poor and ethnic populations more, because they cannot afford the legal fees necessary to fight execution. They point to situations where people were convicted of a crime and later found to be not guilty, and believe that some innocent people have been executed. Many religious groups do not approve of the death penalty, especially the Catholic Church. In some cases, the criminals are rehabilitated, and could become productive members of society. In addition, the legal battles that come with the death penalty are lengthy, drawing the process out for years, and they are extremely costly, too......

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