Art Project to Help Students Term Paper

Total Length: 519 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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They organized their needs, chose students to complete each step and worked on it until it was done.

This activity benefited me in several ways. The first way is that I now know this activity is age appropriate. I also know that students this age are able to handle a complex, multi-step project and break it into steps.

The children learned that they were able to delegate responsibilities and work together as a team to produce an end result. They discussed each of their strengths, weaknesses, and desires as they determined who would be best suited for what step of the project.

The benefits the project provided for the students included building confidence because they were able to see it through from start to finish, developing a better understanding of plot structure and flow, and it helped them learn to work together as a group for a single goal.

It is important for teachers to provide hands on experiences in art for their students because it promotes improved hand-eye coordination, which in turn assists with reading skills. It also helps children develop imagination and creativity......

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