Ava and Duante Film Production in Nigeria Business Proposal

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It is with great pleasure and excitement that we invite you to partner with us on a historical project, a feature film inspired by true events about Afro-Germans under Nazi rule. Set in Germany, produced in Nigeria, Ava and Duante has tremendous global appeal, with particular relevance to our community in Abuja as it highlights a little-known element of modern history. Perhaps more than any other film to emerge from our country, Ava and Duante has the power to draw international investments into the Nigerian film industry and related creative arts. Mo Abudu, Chief Executive of EbonyLife TV, produced the film, which was written by Nicole Brown. Ava and Duante has the power to inform, inspire, and illuminate, which is why we believe the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany will be interested in collaborating with us in the film’s promotion and sponsorship.

Mo Abudu was inspired to produce Ava and Duante after reading an article published by a Professor of German Historical Studies at the University of Liverpool, Eve Rosenhaft, on the Nazi programs of forced sterilization of hundreds of Afro-German children, and likewise, sending Afro Germans to concentration camps. Almost a thousand children were at risk for forced sterilization, and many were literally pulled off the streets or from their schools and shoved into vans (Gbadamosi, 2017). The film follows a fictionalized couple, Ava, who is the daughter of a Nazi sympathizer, and Duante, a Cameroonian who works in her father’s factory.

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When Ava and Duante find out about the Nazi policy towards mixed-race children like their small daughter, they devise an escape plan.

Ava and Duante has the potential to initiate dialogue about racism, showing how for centuries, Afro-Germans had been treated like animals and used in “human exhibitions,” like freak shows (Ghadamosi, 2017). Like their Jewish counterparts, Afro-Germans were systematically excluded from mainstream German society, banned from attending public schools and even universities. The situation grew worse by the 1930s, when Germany passed laws banning interracial marriage, laws that would escalate into the Nazi program of forced sterilization or assignments to the labor camps. There are countless real life stories that parallel the events depicted in Ava and Duante, and we believe it is critical that these stories are told now, while some of the victims of Nazi oppression are still alive.

The importance of remembering the Holocaust and Nazi history cannot be underestimated, as we face tumultuous times in global history. In fact, exposing the consequences of xenophobia and racism to a global audience might inspire viewers to take action and make necessary changes to their own beliefs or their own societies. So inspiring is Ava and Duante that the international news media, including stalwarts like CNN, have reported extensively on the production of the film. Not only is….....

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