Beowulf Is One of the Oldest Heroic Reaction Paper

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Beowulf is one of the oldest heroic sagas in existence, yet it contains many themes that occur and reoccur in modern heroic literature. The hero is designated as 'special,' with a 'special' mission to aid others. He faces a series of trials that enable him to help others and prove his manhood at the same time. Yet ultimately, Beowulf is a lonely man, set apart from others because of his greatness. He is, in his own way, as lonely as Grendel the monster he strives to kill.

There are, of course, some distinct differences between the saga and modern action stories. The purpose of Beowulf is not simply to tell an involving narrative; it is also designed to affirm the values of the tellers of the tale. Beowulf is noble and self-sacrificing. In the first part of the story, he agrees to kill the monster plaguing Hroogar and the Danish people. Whenever the Danes feast in their mead hall Heorot, they become the prey of the monster Grendel. Beowulf willingly sacrifices his life to save the Danes, even though he comes from afar. He does so to cement his reputation as a hero, but also out of compassion and pity for the suffering the Danes have endured.

Beowulf waits for Grendel in the mead hall. The essential loneliness of the quest of a hero who stands apart from his fellow men, and the dangers of being specially gifted are embodied in the image of Beowulf's vigil. Beowulf's nobility is manifested in his determination to meet Grendel unarmed in a fair fight, despite the evil actions of Grendel and his slaughter of Hroogar's men. When Grendel kills one of Beowulf's warriors, Beowulf turns on the beast.

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His decision to fight Grendel unarmed proves to be a wise one, as Grendel's flesh cannot be pierced by human swords. Beowulf eventually kills Grendel by ripping off his arm, leaving the monster to bleed to death in the marshes.

The Danes believe they are freed, until they realize that they have been cursed with a monster yet again -- Grendel's mother, even more fearsome than her son, returns to extract her revenge from the Danes. Grendel's mother is cleverer than her son, and better able to discern what will hurt Hroogar the most. She kills the king's most believed warrior. Once again, Beowulf must risk his life to save a strange people. The idea that the 'female is more deadly than the male' is embodied in the apocalyptic struggle between Beowulf and Grendel's dam.

Beowulf, once so confident in the face of Grendel, is more fearful when he is facing a female monster. He makes arrangements with the king as to what will happen to his men and his estate, if he dies trying to kill Grendel's mother. This second quest he takes a special sword, given to him by one of his trusted warriors. Beowulf experiences greater difficulty slaying the second monster -- he is drawn into….....

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