Beowulf There by a Seat Term Paper

Total Length: 821 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The story of Beowulf includes a professional bard who accompanies himself on a harp and sings or chants traditional lays, who improvises a song about Beowulf's victory.

Perhaps the Bard embellished the real story a little to flatter the great man. The king may not have been fighting a dragon, actually it may have been a bear that had been killing off people in his kingdom. When Beowulf kills Grendel in the beginning of the tale, the monster's mother takes revenge on the warriors by sneaking in to the hall at night and killing one of the king's advisors. Beowulf takes out after her, hunts her down in the bottom of a swamp, and kills her with a sword. He finds the corpse of Grendel there and brings back a hunter's trophy, the head of the monster (which presumably he stuffs and hangs on his wall).

or the mighty king may have killed off neighboring tribes called Grendel, or "a dragon" and in the telling and re-telling of the tale, the tribe became known as a single monster, rather than a group of enemy warriors. We don't know how the words or people in the original story change in the retelling of the tale.

The end of the poem has Beowulf dying.
The people in his kingdom are terrified that their enemies will now attack them, since Beowulf is dead. but, according to his wishes, they burn his body on a huge funeral pyre made of wood (according to the custom of the Germanic tribes), overlooking the sea from which he had arrived, as Beowulf was from a far country and had come to Hrothgar's kingdom as a youth on a boat laden with treasures.

This is a story of young, unknown Scandinavian warriors feasting all night in mead-halls, fighting with dragons and hanging trophy heads all around the walls, then fighting courageous battles, and dying, as Beowulf died, his golden shields and swords laid on him on a funeral pyre. It was a story created to please the audiences of the day.

If it was founded on a true story, audiences today want to hear it. The treasure is significant because burial mounds have been excavated in Suffolk and at Uppsala, which contain thee very kinds of treasures mentioned in the final stanzas of this epic poem.


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