Beowulf and Treasure in the Epic Poem Essay

Total Length: 861 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Beowulf and Treasure

In the epic poem Beowulf, the hero is one born to wealth and raised to wealth. This position, rather than making him weak, has allowed Beowulf to become respected in his community as a man of generosity and, because of his skills as a warrior, immense courage. To this extent, the reader sees Beowulf engaging in acts of bravery and of generosity towards his fellow men. Contrast this to the more evil characters, both the monsters Grendel and his mother and the monstrous humans that Beowulf encounters. Those who are ungenerous are invariably the wicked characters, both lacking kindness towards fellow men and the heroic bravery of a Beowulf. Money and treasure are shown in the poem as markers of respect and of decency. Those who give it are treated heroically, as is evidenced at Beowulf's funeral. Those who hoard it are shown to be wicked. In this way, the author uses valuable goods to show which characters are heroic and which ones are villains.

In the prologue, in discussing Shild's son, the author writes, "A young prince must be prudent like that, / giving freely while his father lives / so that afterward in age when fighting starts / steadfast companions will stand by him" (20-23). The people of Denmark have their ruler through the blood of the father.
The prince is named next ruler through a band of gold. When the ring is given, the people accept their ruler. In Denmark, warriors are revered. "Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere" (24-25). In this society, acts of bravery are rewarded with valuable treasures. Therefore, quite literally men build their wealth by acts of courage. The wealthiest are thus the most brave of the warriors. When King Shild dies, his funeral ship is overlaid with riches. "Far-fetched treasures / were piled upon him, and precious gear" (36-37). The people's respect is earned through the giving of wealth and the respect for that man is shown through the return of that wealth.

The monster Grendel is an example of villainy illustrated through treasure and riches. Every night he goes to the hall of Heorot and slaughters and destroys whatever is in sight. When he takes over Heorot, from the humans and begins killing them all, there is one place within the hall that he cannot go. "The throne itself, the treasure-seat, / he was kept from approaching; he was the Lord's outcast" (168-169). As the men honored their King with treasure, so too the throne is a tribute in honor to God, giving….....

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