Bilingual Education Is a Method Term Paper

Total Length: 345 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

When that one opportunity is taken away for the student to practice the language they are learning then their ability to learn the language is lowered. Additionally, the longer the student has to wait to learn the second language, the less likely they will develop any real proficiency in it.

The main argument to keep Bilingual Education in the schools is to promote a solid sense of culture in a growing minority population. Since there is no official language in the United States, forcing any population to speak one language or the other seems unjust, especially considering how this country was founded and built by immigration.
Trends are already being developed where states with a large Spanish speaking population have signs and other literature in both English and Spanish to cater to those who only speak one language or the other. This idea supports what many feel is a fundamental idea to the American lifestyle of ethnic diversity......

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