Biohazard Material Management Having Worked Term Paper

Total Length: 609 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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He directed me toward various reading materials and articles that related my areas of expertise to a wider range of study. Since then I have been thoroughly investigating the relationship between personal and public health. I believe I will make a valuable adjunct to your Master's Program in Environmental Science and to your Environmental Health Sciences Department. I bring with me years of hands-on experience working with individuals and health care institutions, an observer of the ill effects of a poorly managed environment. Also, I have traveled around the world and have an international background. My unique experiences and heritage will contribute to program diversity.

With a professional attitude and a natural inclination for combining science with public relations, I will fit in naturally to your Masters in Environmental Sciences program. My professional, academic, and personal background will contribute greatly to what I have learned so far in my academic career to my new chosen area of specialization because the study of health administration incorporates many of the practical elements of a career in environmental science.

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Working with public officials in interpreting scientific journals, articles, and knowledge with the goal of creating a safer, sounder environment will come naturally for me. Whether I eventually work in the private sector helping organizations and corporations around the world improve their environments, whether I find work in the governmental sector, helping governments design reasonable environmental policies, whether I work with city planners and developers, or remain in academic, I will be able to combine my communications skills with my affinity with chemistry. After considerable self-reflection and consultations with trusted friends and mentors, I believe I will well-suited to the master's program and to an eventual career in the environmental sciences......

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"Biohazard Material Management Having Worked", 02 March 2005, Accessed.3 June. 2024,