Chemistry Pharmaceutical-Based Cancer Treatment Cancer Research Paper

Total Length: 882 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 9

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Many of its advocates have proposed corn ethanol as a fuel source capable of running an automobile engine or a warehouse of machinery. Indeed, according to Holt-Gimenex, "biofuel champions assure us that because fuel crops are renewable, they are environment-friendly, can reduce global warming and will foster rural development. But the tremendous market power of biofuel corporations, coupled with the poor political will of governments to regulate their activities, make this unlikely." (Holt-Gimenez, 2)

These ulterior motives of the above-mentioned biofuel companies will enter into the discussion as the research process advances and will be illuminated with the interest of scrutinizing ethanol for the inefficiency of its production process. The study would set out to prove that corn ethanol is a poor choice for the replacement of petroleum.

Topic 3: Discovering LSD

Few subjects invoke more controversy, emotion and distortion than that of illegal drugs. However, the class of psychedelic drugs that includes Lysergic acid dethylamide (LSD) has also had the effect of correlating to historically significant artistic, cultural and philosophical movements. As a result, the substance does invite some greater conceptual scrutiny than the simple legal prohibition which currently applies to it. The purpose of the research proposed here would be to engage this scrutiny and to produce a comprehensive discussion on the chemical makeup, effects and history of the powerful hallucinogen.

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The history of LSD centers on Swizz chemist Albert Hofmann. While working at the pharmaceutical labs of Sandoz, which is today known as Novartis, Hofmann would inadvertently experience the effects of LSD, becoming the first man to experience a synthesized psychedelic reaction in a laboratory setting. On the instance at which he stumbled upon LSD by unintentionally experiencing its effects, he reports that "Time and again I hear or read that LSD was discovered by accident. This is only partly true. LSD came into being within a systematic research program, and the "accident" did not occur until much later: when LSD was already five years old, I happened to experience its unforeseeable effects in my own body - or rather, in my own mind." (Hofmann, 36)

The research proposed here would further investigate the invents surrounding this discovery, the chemical implications of its impact on the human cerebral cortex and the connection between Hofmann's intended pharmaceutical work and his eventual revelation.


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"Chemistry Pharmaceutical-Based Cancer Treatment Cancer", 30 June 2012, Accessed.16 June. 2024,