Child Labor in Istanbul, Turkey Term Paper

Total Length: 1850 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Istanbul's native born has made little or not contribution to the population growth due to its near or below-replacement levels of reproduction (Population pp).

Child prostitution is a world wide urban social phenomenon and is considered one of the worst contemporary forms of slavery (Kantay Pp). Moreover, child prostitution is one of the most difficult and dangerous forms of child labor (Kuntay Pp).

Due to the invisibility of the children involved, they are at the greatest risk of exploitation and are subjected to harassment, violent attacks and are vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV infection (Kuntay Pp). Although child prostitution is a legal violation in Turkey, it is almost epidemic in large metropolitan areas such as Istanbul (Kuntay Pp). Moreover, it is difficult to late these girls because they are very mobile, wandering from one customer and location to another (Kuntay Pp).

The need to supplement household income was listed as the number one reason for female children in urban areas such as Istanbul, while males listed this as the fourth factor for working (Reasons pp).
Furthermore, a smaller number of female children in urban areas are found to be keeping their incomes, 9.7%, compared to 12% of male child workers (Reasons pp). Therefore, female child laborers end up giving up their incomes to their families and are denied holding even a portion of the wages for themselves (Reasons pp).


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