A Child Taking Responsibility for Her Actions Essay

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NUR Log # 5 Submission Date 8/2/2023 Student Name ___________________________ ___Child Initials: VL Age (years and months) 3 years, 11 monthsDate of InteractionLocation of InteractionFPMHNP Student verbal and non-verbal communicationChild verbal and non-verbal communicationFPMHNP Student ReflectionTheorist application and analysis of interaction7/20/2023VL’s home in the kitchen at around 9am“Good morning VL”I bend down to give her a hug.“I love your nightgown.”I am bending down. I am at eye level with VL.Knowing I had an agenda, I asked“What color is that it\'s pretty?”I pointed to the middle of the nightgown.“Did you have breakfast already?“Why are looking at your mother VL?”“You can clean VL?”“Oh wow, you’re doing such a good job.”I smile at VL. I appear to be amazed that she can wash dishes.“She sounds just like you.”I laugh.“Hi Auntie Tiffany”VL is happy. She is smiling.VL gives me a big hug. She is wearing a pink and blue nightgown with multiple Disney characters. The nightgown has obvious stains from a meal.“Thank you. Grandma June bought it at Target.”She is looking down at her nightgown and touching the characters. She starts to say some of the names aloud.VL is fidgeting around the kitchen. She is incredibly happy.“It\'s blue like my slippers.”VL points to her feet. She is touching multiple areas on the nightgown that are blue.“I did. I had waffles and bacon, but I spilled my juice.”VL looks at her mother who is sitting on a bar stool close to the sink.“Because mommy said I did a good job cleaning it up. And accidents happen, even to big people.”“Yes. I used the mop. Mommy said I couldn’t use the bucket though. I had to use the dry mop.”She grabs the…

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…to Freud, VL is in the phallic stage (3 to 6 years), where the focus is on mastering control over the environment and self.VL\'s interest in identifying colors and characters on her nightgown could be seen as her way of mastering her environment.

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Her ability to clean up after herself, wash dishes, and mop the floor indicates her desire for control and autonomy, which is typical of this stage.Freud also believed that children in the phallic stage start to identify with their same-sex parent and imitate their behaviors. VL\'s imitation of adult speech and her desire to clean like her mother could be seen as identification with her mother.However, Freud\'s theory has been criticized for overemphasizing sexual development and for its lack of empirical support.Modern developmental psychologists would likely focus more on VL\'s cognitive development, social interactions, and the influence….....

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