Civil Rights Explored in to Essay

Total Length: 1614 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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They are innocent, and would never harm anyone" (Smykowski). Many in Maycomb cannot see things from this perspective because their prejudice is much larger than the notion that someone might be helpless or simply harmless. This act of looking at an African-American without seeing the color of their skin is difficult to accept when society clings to ideas that have no relevance but have existed in communities for decades.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an excellent novel for instruction when teaches about the prejudices of others. In an age when we would think that we would have no problem giving people the rights they deserve, it becomes apparent that some people are only happy when they are taking things away from someone else. Lee's novel emphasizes this point through the eyes of children that have not lived long enough to become conditioned by the prevailing thought and norms regarding a person's race. Atticus tries to teach his children about an individual's rights but he is working against decades of racial prejudice.
His influence is powerful, however, and his fight for what is right is not in vain. In fact, while neither he nor Tom comes out a "winner," we instinctively know that winners are rarely celebrated. Tom's story is difficult because it reminds us of an ugly side of humanity but it is this ugliness that we should never forget lest we return to that state of mind. Written in a time of civil unrest with the Supreme Court declaring that segregation is unconstitutional and African-American earning their right to live as free citizens and be treated as such, to Kill a Mockingbird remains timeless.


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