Collapse Messaging Chilean Miners Messaging Term Paper

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Employees would first need to believe their own safety was both important to the company and assured in their own sites of operations. One potential way to expand the context to include their safety would be to highlight existing precautions taken before the disaster, those in place in other locations and the future commitment to sustained maintenance and safety. Such records would likely come out in regulatory investigation afterward anyway, so taking proactive steps as per Seeger (2006) could reclaim messaging posing serious potential harm if left solely to media outside the firm. Some type of concrete action would underscore this commitment, for example cessation of operations pending immediate review and maintenance of safety precautions, and then publishing favorable review immediately where that showed positive compliance. As for the families, demonstrating commitment to support after the emergency could help workers focus on a potential successful resolution rather than the immediate crisis.

These emergency communications would have to be as preemptive and thus rapid as possible, but the potential damage missteps could cause might be significant, so while messaging should come from the highest authority in the corporation, that messaging should still be screened by critical readers within the firm for potential different semantic word associations local to the culture that the executive suite may not be aware of; should use 'person-first' language and then should be corroborated by all other potential information sources to ensure a unified and consistent communication.

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After messaging is delivered, deliberate and frequent repetition through progress reports, proactive intervention before media relates the message rather than after, and discrete and tactful but diverse opinion survey of the various recipients through for example local agents on location interacting with stakeholders should be reported to central decision makers in order to continuously refine messaging where potential improvement can be identified.

Attached: Sample corporate communications to families and workers.....

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