Compare and Contrast Posters Designs Essay

Total Length: 620 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Posters Designs

Art posters have been particularly important during wartime, as they were responsible for influencing the masses to get actively engaged in joining the war. James Montgomery Flagg's "I Want You for the U.S. Army" (1916) poster is probably one of the most recognized artworks meant to have normal citizens identify with individuals on the front. Similarly, J. Howard Miller's 1942 poster "We Can Do It!" had the purpose of persuading Americans to assist war efforts any way that they could. Whereas Flagg's poster was directly implying that it was mandatory for Americans to join the army, Miller's seems to be addressing a larger public -- one that can contribute to the war through a diverse set of activities.

"I Want You for the U.S. Army" and "We Can Do It" were practically meant to sell the war to simple Americans, considering that they were most likely impressed with the overall message of the posters and did not hesitate to contribute to helping their country through any means available.
The colors and the symbols used in creating the first poster are obviously intended to induce a feeling of patriotism in Americans watching it. The person wanting "you" to join the war is not a simple military individual, as it is the iconic Uncle Sam -- a person who supports the country's values and who would not want immorality to dominate the world. The fact that the man in the poster is angry further intensifies the viewer's feelings, as he feels that there is an authoritarian character demanding that he should join army ranks. In contrast, the "We Can Do It!" poster puts across more modern feelings and one can actually associate with an early form of pop art. Similar to Flagg's poster, this one uses little colors, most probably with the purpose of having viewers focus on….....

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