Conflict and Negotiation Term Paper

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Conflict and Negotiation

Examples of conflict abound in the movie "Glory." Colonel Shaw, acted by Matthew Broderick, employs both transformational and transactional leadership methods to achieve resolution to these conflicts. The movie uses the conflict of the Civil War as its' underlying canvas. What more appropriate theatre to understand human conflict, on every level, could there be?

The Civil War is a conflict of ideologies, aspirations, beliefs, and goals of a divided nation. Yet, these very same conflicts play out between the members of the 54th Massachusetts. Broderick, as Colonel Shaw, begins his leadership experience before the formation of the 54th Massachusetts. He is an abolitionist. He grew up with "people of color" in his household.

His first conflict is within himself. Can he accept the overwhelming responsibility of leading the first black troops, after his vicious experiences at Antietam? He leaves the celebration given in his honor to resolve lingering inner conflicts he has with the war, and with his conceptions of equality. He is overwhelmed. He must make a bargain with himself. His resolution is swift. He announces his decision to his friend, Major Forbes.
He will do this.

He will lead the newly formed 54th. "To study the strategy of conflict is to take the view that most conflict situations are essentially bargaining situations" (Schelling, 1980, p. 5). It is at this point of the movie that Shaw accepts the challenge of leadership and duty.

Shaw employs transactional leadership under his new command. He directs Mulcahy to whip Trip for desertion, he forbids Major Forbes to question his authority, and harasses one of the enlisted men by firing his pistol repeatedly.

He requires absolute attention to dignify the gravity of his command. When polite conversation is ineffective with the quartermaster, he uses his rank and commands the respect he deserves. This is transactional leadership in terms of the quartermaster and transformational leadership to his men.

There are also situations where Shaw engages the trust of his men by showing them his values. He rips his pay voucher into pieces when it is apparent that the army considers his men less than equal. Could he have used different tactics? One might hope that he….....

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