Cultivation Analysis What Is the Essay

Total Length: 710 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Identify and explain the four-step process used by cultivation analysis researchers.

The cultivation analysis as a theory is a four step process. Cultivation researchers use these four steps to demonstrate their belief that watching of television has an effect on the culture of people. The first step is the system analysis. This is a comprehensive analysis of the programs that run in the television. Ninety eight percent of all households in America own a television (Morgan, 2012). This indicates that the programs in television have a wide audience. Thus, an analysis of the content of the program is critical to the cultivation theorist.

The message analysis demonstrates that a repetitive pattern in the themes, values and images in televisions. The message system analysis focuses violence in television programs. It is evident that there are high doses of violence in programs and television broadcasts. The image of the real world that televisions portray is one of a mean word where there is no trust. This influences the perception of the viewers (Morgan, 2012).

The second step in the process concerns about viewers social reality. According to cultivation analysis the viewer's perceptions alters and they believe the world is dangerous. The heavy viewers irrespective of the level of education and financial status hold a similar view on the level of violence. The heavy viewers of television believe that out of ten people one is likely to be involved in violence in a week's time. The lighter viewers, on the other hand, believed one person out of a hundred (Morgan, 2012).

Step three of the process is surveying of the audience. The cultivation researcher looks at the level of television consumption. This is an evaluation to know the actual amount of time that individuals spend watching television. The final step is a comparison of the social reality of the heavy and light television viewers. The cultivation differential exists between the perceptions of light and heavy television viewer. These differences indicate the effect that watching of television has on the viewers (Morgan, 2012)......

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