Cultural Aspects of Advertising and Term Paper

Total Length: 1021 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Different marketing campaigns might be needed, if the product is supposed to target an extremely large audience, economically and ethnically.

Brazil is quite a diverse society, and race is unfortunately a divider between most of the populace -- one Black Brazilian remarked that "Blacks amount to 49% of a population of 180 million people, but it is impossible to create a middle class without education and with salaries 51% less than the salaries of whites," and he said that in his opinion, the face of poverty in Brazil is black (Ramos 2007). Treating race with sensitivity is thus essential in advertisements. However, one common, uniting dynamic between most social classes and peoples in Brazil, is a great love of music and the centrality of music to the culture and to festivals and daily life. Using music effectively in advertising campaigns is thus essential.

Another common dynamic are certain patterns of lifestyle observed in Brazil -- people tend to stay up later, have dinner later, and to put less physical space between one another. Designing an advertisement involving people relating to one another even in the street should demand closer proximities between actors to ensure that the ad does not look foreign. These nuances require a savvy director to acknowledge such differences when translating an American advertisement campaign into Brazilian terms.

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Verbally, people are more apt to talk over one another in Brazil, so creating a script for the advertisement that took this more chaotic speaking style into consideration is vital -- a highly programmed conversation that might be acceptable in some U.S. advertisements would look stilted in Brazil, even in a business context. Business in general is more informal in Brazil -- time is less fanatically observed, for example. Thus using an advertisement that stressed the ability of a product to facilitate timekeeping rather than the attractiveness of the product would likewise be unwise (Serpa 2005).

Sexuality and female beauty is often used to sell items in Brazil, in a way that might be considered politically incorrect in the United States. Just as there are few regulations regarding speech in regard to race, the same is true in regards to how women are portrayed in advertising campaigns. The opening of the first Apple Store featured slinky and artificially-enhanced blonde beauties in a way that would be unthinkable in the United States particularly given the Apple Company's geeky, sanitary, and asexual image in the United States (Apple Brazil, 2009, Visual Media).


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