Culture of Martyrdom Research Paper

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English Summary Writing

Suicide bombing is the act where individuals deliver certain form of explosives and detonating them as a way of killing others and themselves in the process. Suicide bombings intend to injure and kill anyone within the range of explosion. The victims are mostly unsuspecting civilians although the main targets are usually military personnel and political figures. In most cases, suicide bombings are linked to political grievances and causes. This report endeavors to summarize the details of the article titled "The culture of Martyrdom" written by David Brooks whilst showing how suicide bombing can cause grievous repercussions in the society.

David Brooks shows that suicide bombing inflicts terror and death on its targets. It also burdens and intoxicates those individuals who sponsor it. Many factors cause it. First, individuals carry it out because of a desire for vengeance. Secondly, individuals take part in a suicide bombing with the belief that it will assure them eternal salvation and earthly glory. Others take part in a suicide bombing as a sign of religious purity. Suicide bombing alters the imagination of those practicing it to unimaginable levels. An example of a dispute that has engaged numerous suicide bombings is the Arab-Israeli dispute.
It has over the years changed in nature due to administrations of suicide bombings. Brooks shows that "Suicide bombing is a highly communitarian enterprise… crazed Palestinian gotten hold of a bomb and gone off to kill Israelis."

As seen from the article, no suicide bombings were recorded before 1983. Muslims are mostly the ones that engage in suicide bombings. However, the Koran forbids an individual from taking his or her own life. For a long time, this rule was strictly observed but was overturned by Hizbollah an Islamic resistance movement that advocated the use of this tactic as a weapon against its enemies. Religious leaders agreed to this and gave blessings to whoever wished to take part in it.

The suicide-bombing tactic was gradually introduced in Palestine and Fathi Shiqaqi one of the founders of Jihad wrote some of the perceived guidelines for successful suicide bombings as countermeasures to religiosity. He says,

"Thus suicide bombing has become phenomenally popular…making the act more popular than Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah, or any of the other groups that sponsor it"(n.p.).

The assassination of Yahya Ayyash, a….....

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