Curves for Women Term Paper

Total Length: 1171 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Curves for women is an innovative exercise program that has grown in popularity in recent years. The program is designed to specifically meet the needs of women as they endeavor to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The research will confirm that the Curves workout may look easy, it provides a challenging and effective exercise program for women of all ages.

According to the official website of Curves for Women the workout takes place in 30 minutes it is a cardio and strength training workout. According to the website those who participate in the workout will burn 500 calories per session. The workout is unique because it involves circuit training composed of resistance machines that are designed to target two muscle groups at one time. The circuit training is designed to help women lose weight, tone muscles and lose inches (Curves Works).

Additionally, Curves for women supplies members with a trainer to assist them in loosing weight or maintaining their weight. The trainer provides strict guidelines and is also there to motivate the women (Curves Works).

The use of circuit training is one of the reasons that Curves for women assists women in loosing weight. Circuit training is defined as "A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment ("Circuit Training")." According to an article entitled "A Weights and Cardio Circuit Training Program"

An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program; the idea being that when one circuit is complete, you start at the first exercise again for another circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise (Rogers)." Circuit training is beneficial when attempting to lose weight or maintain weight because it is designed to include cardio exercise which is healthy for the heart, blood pressure and circulation.
Cardio fitness is not only essential for weight loss it is also important in reducing the number of heart attacks. Reducing the chance of having a heart attack is an important issue for men and women. However it is particularly important for women because many of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack or heart disease in women are not as recognizable.

As it relates more specifically to weight loss, cardio exercise burns calories

Circuit training also includes weight training is beneficial when attempting to loose weight because an increase in muscle translates to a decrease In fat. For this reason circuit training is used by athletes, body builders and anyone wishing to stay in shape. As such the use of circuit training at curves for women translates into real results for women of all ages.

In addition to the exercise program, Curves for women is also committed to assisting women with their diets. Exercise is only on aspect of weight loss. It is also essential that those attempting to loose weight or maintain their weight have a healthy diet ("About Curves"). This is known as curve complete and it assist members in understanding what to eat, the importance of appropriate nutrition, calorie intake and so forth ("About Curves").

This aspect of the program is actually an online subscription program ("About Curves"). The program actually offers several services such as advice from dieticians and nutritionists, recipes and meal plans. This information is convenient to users because they have assess to it regardless of location ("About Curves").

The fact that curves offers a nutrition….....

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