Data Collection and Review Research Paper

Total Length: 640 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Internal Review Board Discussion

The IRB (Internal Review Board) is an organization that is known as the IEC ( independent ethic committee) formally designated to review biomedical and behavioral research that involves human beings. The IRB conducts a risk analysis to determine whether to allow a research to be conducted. Thus, the IRB takes appropriate steps to protect the welfare and rights of humans participating in a research study. (IRB, 2014).

The objective of this study is to discuss the type of IRB appropriate for my research. The study also provides feedback to my classmate's posts.

Type of IRB review Appropriate for my Selected Research

My research will require the FBR (Full Board Review) since the research will require the human subjects. When human subjects are to be used to carry out a research, the research should require a full board review. In the case, a researcher should allow a minimum of three weeks to schedule an application for a review. Typically, the full board review focuses on the research that deals with the protected or sensitive population such as cognitive disable individual or children. Moreover, full board review is critical for research that involves using the procedures such as stressful, or intrusive procedure.
Since my research falls in one of these categories, my research will require a full board review for approval.

Feedback to my Classmates Posts

With reference to the ethical procedure in the research method, application of the ethical consideration is critical for a research especially the research that involves human subject. Essentially, without an involvement of IRB to evaluate the ethical procedures of a research, some researchers might misuse the information collected from the human subjects. (Ritter, et al., 2013).It is critical to understand that private information of participants may be collected during a research process, thus, it is the responsibility of a researcher to protect this information from the third party. Essentially, some private information such as name, address, telephone and email may be collected during the data collection process. Moreover, a health information of the participants may be collected for a health research, thus, it is ethical to handle this information with high confidentiality.

Apart from protecting the private information of human subjects, the ethical procedure should also be applicable during the data collection process because it is not ethical to collect data that are already being used for the analysis. Doing this will….....

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