Data Input Printed Questionnaires. Manual Data Input Term Paper

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Data Input

Printed Questionnaires. Manual data input method is appropriate for printed questionnaires. Since questionnaires are printed and therefore can be accessed as a hardcopy, the only way to input data on it is through manual writing. If the data will be transferred into a database, the appropriate method of data input is through data entry.

Data entry on a computer is the appropriate method for this situation. For instance, while a surveyor is communicating with an interview over the phone, a computer in front of him can help him take note of the information from the telephone survey.

Bank Check. Data entry to a database or bar code are the appropriate methods for this situation. Bank Check information can be keyed into a database or through scanning of the bank check's bar code.

Retail Tags. Bar code is the most appropriate method of data input from a retail tag. A bar code is a method where information are pre-stored in a database. Through the use of a bar code, retailers can easily access an item's information, specifically the item's description and price, which can save them from time especially when there are a lot of customers.

Long Documents. Scanning is the most appropriate method of data input for this situation. Scanning can easily capture the physical view of a document which can give the user the same exact view of the real document. Data entry can also be the method for data input of long documents but it will be time-consuming since a data encoder will need to key all the information found in the document.

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Methods of Output

Handheld computer. Handheld computer is almost similar to the traditional type of desktop computer. Hence, the most appropriate method of output for it should be digital output.

Color Photograph. Digital printing is the appropriate method of output for this situation because these days printing of photographs done even by non-professional photographers is now possible with the help of new technologies.

Resume. Hardcopy printing is the appropriate method of output for this situation because it is usual that employers would want to see resumes from paper. Also, digital output of resumes stored in a database is also appropriate as many companies make use of the computer technology to access and retrieve data such as a resume.

Memorandum. Hardcopy printing and email are the appropriate methods of ouptut for this situation because the dissemination of memorandums is usually done through distribution of memorandum papers. Similarly, for a quick dissemination, sending emails can also be used.

Statistical Report. Graphs and tabular data are the appropriate methods of output for this situation because statistical data becomes easier to understand when shown in graphs and tables where a reader can easily understand the summarized and overall results.

Company Annual Report. As with statistical reports, graphs and tabular data can be the best methods of output for this situation because company annual reports also require an easy to analyze summarized results.….....

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