Dated but It Is Still Discussion Chapter

Total Length: 433 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

The article speaks about how legal action and settlements for legal cases that involve corporate fraud rarely emanate from individuals. Even though individuals are ultimately the ones who commit the fraud, even if it's in a systematic and organization fashion within the scope of a corporation, individual settlements are rarely come to or negotiated. Rather, the corporation usually pays the legal settlements. This is even true of United States Department of Justice settlements relating to cases where corporations have defrauded the government to the tune of eight billion dollars, such as was the example given in the article.
This article relates to the reading as it displays what happens in the legal world when corporate fraud is discovered and just who it affects from a money standpoint and a career standpoint. Generally, the corporation takes the money hit rather than specific people when a fraud is discovered (Schmidt, 2012)......

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