Digitization Is Removing the Need for Human Term Paper

Total Length: 735 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Digitization is removing the need for human interface.

Digitization does not actually mean the elimination of human interface. Digitization is just a process of converting data and information into an electronic form that can be accessible through today's technological devices such as the computers. However, it does not totally eliminate the need for human interface. For instance, digitizing the banking processes such as deposits and withdrawal with the use of automated teller machines (ATM) may seem to us that ATMs eliminate the need for bank tellers to process our bank transactions. But, it may not be known to us that the ATMs won't work without human interface. This human interface happens when bank employees place money, on a regular basis, inside the ATMs before the machine becomes accessible to bank clients. Also, it is with human interface, through machine maintenance process by bank employees, that machines remain useable to people. In brief, digitization does not remove the need for human interface but rather lessens it.

Virtualization renders physical location and proximity irrelevant.

It is true that virtualization makes physical location and proximity irrelevant. Physical location and proximity is irrelevant in virtualization because eliminating the need for the physical information and the need for being in the same location is the fundamental nature and essence of virtualization.

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That is, to provide the same service and purpose to users without confusing them about the physical location or without requiring them to be within the same proximity. As defined online,

The technique of managing and presenting storage devices and resources functionally, regardless of their physical layout or location.

One instance where this concept can be proven is in the use of database servers. A database server that is physically located in one country can be virtually set up to be accessible in another computer located in another country. Hence, a user does not need to be in the same location where the server is to be able to access it.

Networking enables everything to be outsourced or done through alliances.

This statement is also true. Networking is the process of inter-connecting technological devices, such as the computers, to be able to have access with one another and make the transfer….....

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