Divide-And-Conquer Strategy in Developing an Integrated System, Term Paper

Total Length: 592 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Divide-And-Conquer Strategy

In developing an integrated system, it is often considered better to divide the system into subsystems. Because of the complexity of the integrated system, often development work has become enormously difficult. At the same time, however, organizations are demanding new and integrated systems more quickly to compete in the marketplace.

Seeing that the cost of an integrated system can run into millions of dollars and several years, the organizations usually work with the divide-and-conquer-strategy. This strategy is useful in the development of the complex and integrated system because it allows the division of the complex integrated systems into manageable sets of subsystems that can be allocated to different groups of developers, who can work concurrently.

By dividing an integrated system into several subsystems, the systems analysts get the advantages of focus and attention, as they can assign subsystems to those groups that possess the adequate and the relevant knowledge in the development of those particular subsystems.

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This strategy is similar to division of work, where each person or group works on a particular aspect of the system, resulting higher productivity for the organization. Second, because of the manageable size of the subsystems, it is often easier for the company management to supervise, monitor, and check the progress of these subsystems.

Since stakeholders are required to finally integrate the solutions of these subsystems, it is often becomes necessary that either the stakeholders hold periodical meeting to ensure that the integrated system as a whole will work in unison. But this requires a lot of communication between the stakeholders and the groups of the developers. So to avoid excessive communication, an organization must make the use of standards in systems development (Blanchard and Fabrycky, 1998). The standards are included into documentation, quality, and processes of the….....

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