Douglas and Lincoln Debate the Term Paper

Total Length: 976 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Therefore, while Lincoln gave a rather general statement concerning the matter, Lincoln offered an image common people can relate to and therefore agree upon. Thus, Lincoln's use of the human rights issue was unsuccessful in this context.

Secondly, Douglas raised the issue of the states free to decide on their own whether they accepted slavery or not. Douglas, points out the fact that states have according to the constitution the right and power to decide on their own for the rights given to the black people. Referring to Illinois, he concludes that slaves "belong to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position," thus "I hold that Illinois had a right to abolish and prohibit slavery as she did" and therefore "we must leave each and every other State to decide for itself the same question." In his counter argument however, Lincoln failed to address specifically this issue, and tried to consider more the issue of popular sovereignty. Indeed, by pointing out the way in which the Republican interpreted the Dred Scott decision, which "allows the people of a Territory to have slavery if they want to, but does not allow them not to have it if they do not want it," he addressed the issue of the rights of the black people.
Despite the fact that he agreed on the physical differences existing between the whites and the blacks which would probably not allow the latter to lead a peaceful life in mixed societies, he does support the essential duty of the state to offer every living being their basic rights, as stated in the constitution.

Overall, there were various elements which made Douglas win the first of the seven debates. Firstly, there was a location that benefited him and therefore created a peaceful environment for him to argue his position. Secondly, Lincoln's argumentation was largely based on issues involving abstract ideas such as rights, values, or equality. The auditorium however was more attracted by concrete issues and the different results slavery and the freeing of slavery might have on the well being of the white population. Thus, he appealed to a different set of values that addressed stringent physical needs. In his approach, he was more pragmatic and incisive. The only solution available for Lincoln was a defensive position from which he could not strongly react offensively.

In conclusion, it can be said that the first debate between the two politicians was won by a more pragmatic, incisive and determined Stephen Douglas......

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