E-Business and E-Commerce Identify and Thesis

Total Length: 1851 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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The signal-jumping algorithm necessary for the being able to deliver the signals to specific mobile devices as they move through an entire network is also critical.

In summary, location-based wireless services would provide the necessary means to stay continually informed as a mobile device travels through a network of servers (Junglas, Watson, 2008). The more critical question however is how the data is tracked of a person's movements, and if their privacy is being too compromised for the sake of convenience.

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Location-based services will eventually become more pervasive, underwritten initially by advertising models and later by services content models, yet the security and privacy issues must be dealt with for this mobile technology and its application to deliver on the promise of more accentuated location-based intelligence......

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