Edgar Degas' After the Bath Term Paper

Total Length: 1833 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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It is not a real upbeat rhythm, otherwise the colors used would be bolder and more abstract but it is rhythm based on peaceful ritual. This along with proportion provides the painting with deepness in the frame of reference. The background also adds to this allusion of a realistic environment.


Degas effectively used the materials and formal elements to illustrate a theme. This theme is that of woman and women potential as a pure symbol of love. However, the beauty of this artwork is that it can be interrupted oppositely. A viewer can also see that because she is nude, she is dirty and undesirable in society. I do not believe this was the artist's intention. I believe he was completely focused on studying her physically for motion's sake and also for his own gratification.
He was his proficiency in the study of movement that makes the painting all the more fascinating. Although there is a stillness and realistic feeling, there is also an anticipation of the next movement. In this respect, he was successful. This painting is also successful in that it influences the viewer's emotions. In many ways, it is lustful and peaceful at the same time.

In conclusion, this paper has discussed in detail Degas' After the Bath with respect to his stylistic choices. This paper has explored the subject matter with respect to imagery and symbolism but also formal elements and design principles. He effectively used these concepts to evoke emotions from the viewer on many levels.


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