Electricity or Cars Term Paper

Total Length: 437 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Reduction of Electricity or Cars as an Environmental Protection Intervention

Reduction of Electricity Consumption or Automobile Usage as an Effective Environmental Protection Intervention

In choosing between the two alternatives of an initiative to reduce electricity consumption or one designed to curb automobile usage, the choice is tough but there is only one viable alternative: Americans love their cars, but they need their electricity more. The rationale for this decision is outlined below.

Americans are becoming increasingly reliant on electricity to support their lifestyles and livelihoods (Schurr 1990).

Electricity provides numerous advantages over virtually all other types of available energy sources. With wires, electricity can be provided anywhere in the world, and by using simple devices such as switches and rheostats, electric current is provided on any time schedule (Schurr 1990).

Electric power can be provided in any desired amount, from watts to megawatts. This level of precision far exceeds that which is possible when energy is transferred mechanically (e.g., by the historic steam-based rotating shaft system) or when energy is transferred as heat (Schurr 1990).

Electricity is ready for use on demand: "Think cold beer and the Web" (Tomain 2002:435).


Employment Patterns are Changing and More People are "Telecommuting."

With more people working from their homes, there will be less demand than previously for commutes between home….....

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