Employment Relations Management Discretion in Essay

Total Length: 1659 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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However, the management did not have the utmost power. The unions took up the cases with the authorities. Their decision was scrutinized by Fair Work Australia and was, consequently, terminated. This is a show of the lack of control that the managers have in the operations. In any case, the regulations in the country favor the employees and managers have to conform to regulations from the legal bodies.


The work places in the country reflect a real indication of the limited control that the managers have on the employees. The actions that they can undertake to impose their force on the employees have a limitation from the authorities. The Fair Work Australia Act is the most specific on the nature of the work place.

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It regulates the minimum wages for the employees. This means that the managers have no control over the remunerations that the employees get. Termination of employment is the other issue that the management has little control over. This is because there are regulations from the NES that state the procedures that have to be followed. The example on Qantas is a clear indication of the little control that the managers have in the workplace. In spite of the actions that the organization took to sanction the employees, the final say was with the authorities......

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