Engineering Marketing Business Process Management Thesis

Total Length: 656 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Re-engineering this process has taken on added urgency given the economic uncertainly in many nations of the world today. There are companies today using Six Sigma methodologies to understand how they can be more effective in capturing, escalating and closing on leads. The challenge from a re-engineering standpoint is that ownership of the lead management and escalation process is often shared (Thomas, 1996). In redefining this process, it is critical for single points of accountabil8ity by each step in the process be mapped, assigned and measured. The critical link in this process is measurement over time and improvement in performance based on accountability and clarity of roles. Re-engineering lead management is as much about changing a company's culture as it is about changing a process itself.

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For lasting change to this process to occur after re-engineering is complete, senior executives must champion change and illustrate through their actions that they stand committed to the change they are requesting their employees to make.

Conclusions and Summary

Re-engineering marketing needs to concentrate on making the internal process of marketing campaign development, execution and measurement more transparent and accountable with greater definition of the role of cross-functional teams. Second, the external process of lead generation and escalation is also crucial for any company to continue growing and acquiring new customers. Taken together, these two process areas, once re-engineering, provide the necessary catalyst for Marketing to stay more focused on how to contribute to the strategic plans of their organizations......

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"Engineering Marketing Business Process Management", 20 November 2008, Accessed.1 June. 2024,