Enterprise 2.0 Data Analysis Chapter

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Social Networking

Interpretation, Discussion and Implications of Findings

Enterprise 2.0 innovations should be seen as an interim technology, and it is reasonable to suggest that the next generation of post-mobile technologies will revolutionize communications even further. There is a clear, linear progression in communication technology, and eventually Enterprise 2.0 technologies will become obsolete as well. Given the current pace of innovation in computing, a reasonable timeframe for this evolution is within the next 5-10 years.

Until then, Enterprise 2.0 technologies will continue their own evolution, and will continue to contribute to helping businesses communicate with internal and external customers in new ways.


The interviews with industry experts highlight the current state of Enterprise 2.0. There is a continuum of maturity that exist on three distinct levels: unified communication, enterprise content management, and social network & community (Philip 2010). A fully mature Enterprise 2.0 model is one that includes unified communications, live collaboration, rating and folksonomy, forum, blog/microblog, podcasting and video sharing, as well as project-centric collaboration and wiki. Kuettner (2013, p.334) notes that "it is still very difficult to quantify actual benefits," highlighting the lack of a direct link between Enterprise 2.0 and performance.

More attention, therefore, needs to be paid to understanding the links between these technologies and platforms and the business strategy that they are intended to support. As an example, companies will need to find ways to measure the impact of a tweet on the success of an event, and evaluate that against the cost of that tweet. "Even more so than in ERP projects," Kuettner concedes, there is "a lack of measurability in Enterprise 2.0." It is easy to measure social media outputs, numbers of followers and those sorts of things, but these measures still need to be linked to the organization's more traditional performance measures.

Despite the lack of such clear links, Enterprise 2.0 has become successful, and crossed over a number of barriers to maturity. Enterprise 2.0 is now broadly accepted in managerial circles, and enterprise has increasingly invested in 2.0 applications. Organizations are following their users, who have adopted many Enterprise 2.0 applications eagerly (Hugi 2010).

Factors Responsible for Adoption

The research, and interviews, highlight several key factors that are driving the adoption of Enterprise 2.0 by businesses. First is the sense that every business must participate in Enterprise 2.0......

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