Factors Considered When Improving a Community S Health Status Essay

Total Length: 2474 words ( 8 double-spaced pages)

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Population Health Promotion Model

Rationale for your choice

The Population Health Promotion Model is one of the essential models when it comes to promotion of community health. The Population Health Promotion Model works to promote the essence of community health through the involvement of many sectors derived from the environment. Many factors are variables in treating matters of health in any society. These variables are the ones to be manipulated to arrive at a situation where everything done been categorized under a procedural and complete health reform structures. The manipulation of the different variables contained within the Population Health Promotion Model is essential in shaking up or causing an impact on the state of community health and its paradigms in the society (In Zaccagnini & White, 2014).

The choice of Population Health Promotion Model is with some supporting reasons. The Population Health Promotion Model involves the use of different factors essential to bringing health to any community. This model makes use of the individuals within the community, who will turn up to be the main beneficiaries. A common occurrence to have someone fighting for something will translate the quality of his or her life. With the use of the Population Health Promotion Model, there is a likely chance for the individuals within the community, or the family, the community, the society, and it is many sectors to be involved. These are the partisan members to upgrade or cause any influence on the state of health in any community (Thompson, 2016). The second aspect is that these participants are crucial in determining the actual consequences of the Population Health Promotion Model program in place. They are the main figures who participate in ensuring that everything carried out is in line with the essential matters of action.

The Population Health Promotion Model is critical of the main participants and the resources essential for establishing a better state of health in the society (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). For instance, the Population Health Promotion Model deals with illustrating the materials, resources, and the forces together with the parameters essential to the equitable distribution of health provisions within the society. One would love to initiate and use the Population Health Promotion Model because of its classification of whom to participate, and what to be used. It is for this main consideration of the model that the planners of the social health and the stakeholders will forecast on how to measure the nature of the income in the society to address it about the state of health needed in the society. This model considers the influence of these factors like the state of education within the society, the state of social status, the existing health child development programs, the personal skills, among others. The Population Health Promotion Model also considers the essence of knowledge of biology, health sciences, work together with the environment, among other essential factors in the society (Thompson, 2016).

Apart from considering whom to participate, and what to be involved in the process of promoting the social health, the Population Health Promotion Model also looks at how specifically everything will be done. In planning everything, it is always essential to consider whom to do what, using what, and for what purpose. Moreover, it is imperative to consider making sure that the strategies laid down have been placed on the right procedures that spell how everything will be done. The Population Health Promotion Model considers the functions of the community actions, the health services, personal skills, supportive environment, together with the public policy (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010).

The functionalism of the Population Health Promotion Model is based on three major parts, which are the research part, the experience part, and the evaluation part. The Population Health Promotion Model is based on some values and assumptions, all of which are designed to ensure that there is a standardized state of health and stability among the people. The evidence is gathered so that it forms the basis of agreements that take place between the program and policy decision-makers together with the promoters of health (Thompson, 2016). The relations also extend to every other possibility in the Population Health Promotion Model within its jurisdiction. The Population Health Promotion Model promoters while making sure that they have served the program with the best engagements to take care of all the members involved coordinate the entire activities. Interaction takes place between the people together with the physical surrounding effects that have an effect on the state of the health.

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Moreover, several other health status programs must be practiced as a way of ensuring social justice, social equity, respect for all the members, delivering of health care, among others like protection of health and prevention of the occurrence of complacent health promotion.

All these considerations contributed to the selection of the Population Health Promotion Model as one basis used to promote the aspects of health within the society. The Population Health Promotion Model is categorical of everything found in the society and plays into the hands of delivering what is essentially right for the participation of all the members of the society. Any state of promotion needed to boost health in any society needs to consider the essence of Population Health Promotion Model in its ranks (Diem & Moyer, 2015). Moreover, the Population Health Promotion Model has characteristic features that make it easier to engage, break every load needed to boost the states of health within any given society, and even sustain it for future benefits. The model is easy to understand. It is easy to view it from a respective position and apply it to any real-life situation.

Three Determinants of Health

Several factors are considered essential for determining the states of health in the society. The three main factors or determinants of social health are as follows:


Education is fundamental in several other fields of human engagement, one of which is the human and the social health. Education entails the awareness of the main streams of protecting the natural state of good health of the people in the environment. Through education, the society is made aware of the concept of social health (In Zaccagnini & in White, 2014). The society is made to learn and appreciate the special features essential in every state of living, including the needed knowledge made worthwhile while in different states of human engagements in the society. Education promotes the specifications of literacy in the society. The tool is used to usher in the presence of the need, the urgency, and the elemental aspects that contribute to the stable states of living among the people.

In any society, education has to be made available to promote the paradigms that make the Population Health Promotion Model to be successful. For instance, through education, one will be able to classify everything essential and put it in its rightful place, making for its usefulness and importance to the people and the society as a whole (Windsor, 2015). Education is essential in knowing what is essential in making the strategies of the stakeholders possible and hence manage to ensure success within the Population Health Promotion Model. Education represents a weapon used to open the eyes of many in the society as concerns the essence of health. Education promotes the availability of the needed knowledge together with the essential strategies that can be needed to promote the essence of the Population Health Promotion Model. For instance, education enables the model to access resources regarding the human and material resources, together with the strategic measurements that will be used in researching, experimentation and evaluation of the Population Health Promotion Model (Windsor, 2015).

Social Support Network

The society does not just exist as something solid within nothing interacting within its vicinity. The social networks and support networks are very instrumental in promoting the essence of health in any given society. For instance, the networks to good health, access to equitable health resources, access to assistance and promotional strategies for use, among others, are all essential since they are variables affecting the nature and magnitude of health with the use of the Population Health Promotion Model (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). The society has to engage the rightful mechanisms to promote the success of the objectives put in place. For instance, the network that promotes the availability of the social amenities makes it possible to have a credible chance to boost the states of health in such a given society. When the society has studied and observed that it has to manage itself in everything, it then accesses the capability to influence in the state of its health through the several networks needed to promote growth and development (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). With the use of the Population Health Promotion Model, there is the chance for the researcher to make it possible to accept the networks that work for and those that work on the path to achieving what the society has predetermined.

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