Feminist Theory Over the Last Research Paper

Total Length: 1232 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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(Wood 70 -- 73)

The information from this source is useful, because it provides insights as to how feminist theory would evolve, based upon political and social issues at the time. Where, these views will be included in feminist thinking; helping to provide a unique way of understanding the world around us. In this aspect, the information that was provided can utilized, with the other theories to instill an appreciation, in how the changes in social views will have on impact upon feminist thinking.

Genz, Stephanie. "Postmodern Feminism." Post Modern Feminism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University, 2009. 104 -- 124. Print.

Post modern feminists were influenced based upon the more liberalized views that would take shape in the decades after the 1960's. As many groups felt that the more extreme radical views would not help to instill the common emotions felt by women. This meant that they wanted to have their rights respect, while not having to subscribe to more radicalized thinking. As a result, this theory would develop several common attributes that would describe these views to include: all women are different and you cannot generalize the relationship of every man and woman based upon perceptions. (Genz pp. 104 -124)

The information from the source is useful, because it shows how this theory is the least extreme of all of the different ideas that have been examined. Where, it can help to explain the conflict that exists in feminism, as each woman will wrestle with the struggle for equality in many different ways. This significant, because it shows how the actual relationship of the woman with a man, will determine the views that they will have about these issues.

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As the underlying amounts respect that women are treated with, will play a role in deciding their overall amounts of anger and frustration they could have at society along with men in general.

Pauldi, Michele. "Global Feminism." Feminism and Women's Rights. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio, 2010. 1 -- 14. Print.

In this piece of literature, the author discusses the impact that globalization is having on feminism. Where, it is helping to create a sense of self-awareness among many women around the world to include: understanding that various inequalities are more than just gender based and that women have been exploited in similar fashions as other ethnic groups. This is important, because this highlights how feminism helped to identify social injustices, yet it also placing them into to the proper context. As a host of issues would play an interconnected role affecting the equality of women and other ethnic groups throughout history. This highlights how the views on feminism are changing, based upon new interpretations and perceptions about the underlying issues of equality along with its meaning. (Pauldi 1 -14)

Clearly, feminist views are constantly affected by changes that are occurring in society and the individual. As the experiences that women will have socially (with men), will determine their underlying views about equality. In many ways, one could argue that this is the main reason why so many different views on feminism have evolved over the years. Where, these ideas would be shaped based upon, how the individual would look at the world around them and the kind of relationship that they would have with men moving forward. This is when these ideas will begin to influence.....

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