Financing Organizational Technology It Is Essay

Total Length: 843 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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All of these benefits would not have been possible however without the outsourcing strategies being firmly grounded in a financial analysis of their value and ROI over the long-term (Lacity, Khan, Yan, Willcocks, 2010). The incremental revenue growth and continued expansion of any business is predicated on how effectively they can transition from one set of challenges to the next, seeking a means to create greater value by addressing more customer needs effectively while broadening their base of support in customer bases globally. Being able to attain this level of market performance is predicated on the ability to form joint ventures, devise intelligent and informed offshoring and outsourcing strategies, and decide which areas need to be outsourced or not (Mudambi, Venzin, 2010).

The Impact Of Outsourcing On the Structural Integrity Of IT In Enterprises

Despite the many critics there are of outsourcing and its effects on employment, the value delivered from the focus of enterprises on their customers and growth goals far surpasses the minimal losses from outsourcing IT work. Putting it another way, it's far better to free up a business to grow and gain more profitable customers so it can employ more people than constrict its growth for the sake of holding onto manually, highly expensive processes that could be easily done by an outsourcing partner (Moon, Yao, Jiang, 2010).

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The development of outsourcing strategies that free up a company to concentrate on its future growth prospects must be anchored in solid ROI and financial projections, capturing the top-line projections and costs necessary to achieve increased sales (Mudambi, Venzin, 2010). Only by seeing outsourcing as a long-term partnership that is capable of offloading non-essential, manual and expensive-to-scale processes to an outsourcing provide can companies hope to keep pace with rapidly changing, turbulent markets (Moon, Yao, Jiang, 2010). The decision to outsource must be anchored in solid ROI analysis, realistic and verifiable financial projections of the impact possible on the organization, all traceable using standardized metrics to evaluate progress over time (Moon, Yao, Jiang, 2010)......

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