Firc Financial Outlook, Marketing Strategies, Thesis

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By remaining exclusive, the company has been able to offer high quality services at lower costs than competitors without traditional fears of growth, market loss, or marketing costs. At the same time, this exclusivity as limited the company's growth potential and has rendered it less competitive in certain markets as it attempts to expand. This, combined with the advancing age of what were the company's core members, poses a significant threat to the company if proper actions are not taken. It seems clear, however, that these actions are being taken, and the realistic and pragmatic view that FIRC's officers have of the future does not preclude the retention of values in a commitment to principle that has been a defining feature of this company over its sixty year history.


The Federal Insurance Reciprocal Company has met with a great deal of success following its changes to its eligibility requirements; the addition of NCOs and enlisted men as well as their family members and dependents on an ongoing basis has hugely increased the number of clients serviced by the company, its overall market share in its various sectors if operation, and its profitability on an annual and long-term basis. The fact that some of the changes are only beginning to take effect and will likely lead to increased membership enrollment in the coming decade increases FIRC's outlook considerably at a time when it is already outperforming the industry as a whole and most of its major competitors.

At the same time, there are some trends in FIRC's member demographics that the company must maintain a close awareness of as it looks towards future growth and profit potentials.

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The company's officer members are largely in retirement age and beyond, and the company's exposure in the baby boomer generation as a whole is quite extensive. As these clients begin passing away in larger numbers every year, they must be replaced by more clients or higher premiums, and the latter would erode a great deal of the value of the company to its members and would likely result in even greater reduction in members through higher rates of member loss. Instead, continuing to selectively expand the eligibility requirements for membership with the company would likely produce the greatest benefit in terms of long-term profitability while maintaining the quality and cost of service.

The Federal Insurance Reciprocal Company has had a long history of serving its members and its communities with a great deal of pride and a consistent dedication to the principles of honor, integrity, and equality. The values upon which the company was founded continue to be seen in company operations in a variety of ways today, and its members continue to receive a great deal of quality for the generally lower cost of services that FIRC is able to provide due to its commitment to these values. Developing a profitable and successful insurance and banking enterprise based on niche marketing and core values seems antithetical to the industry standard, but then so are FIRC's gains and track record of success......

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