Foreign Target Market for Spring Cleans Detergent Essay

Total Length: 814 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Foreign Target Market for Spring Cleans Detergent

The target market that I selected for Spring Clean's detergent is Paris, France. It is one of the largest cities, and the capital city of France. The market is made of mostly the French people but other communities also represented. The city to some extent is cosmopolitan because it houses many other people it has attracted from various parts of the globe. The French culture is unique and slightly different from the American culture. However, the amusing thing is that the French people have a preference of making their shopping in identified shopping malls. The city has various shopping malls selling varied items from consumables to clothing, and electronic items (Durmaz, Celik, & Oruc, 2011).

The shopping habits of the people in France (Paris) are suitable for business. This is because people have fully embraced capitalism and products are on quick sale. In addition, French people love shopping in malls particularly the discount malls. The French people would also have a preference in purchasing complete shopping for the household because of financial constraints. All these cultures portray a potential market where the Spring Cleans detergent may be sold.

There are different types of circumstances in which the product will be used considering that Spring Cleans detergent has a mild pH. This implies it can be used for cleaning various surfaces, including the hard surfaces.

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In this regard, the French people will find it fit for use in cleaning various surfaces, such as the polished floor, walls, and other hard surfaces in the house. It will also be employed in cleaning other items such as leather shoes, and clothes (Durmaz, Celik, & Oruc, 2011).

My channel of structure of selling the detergents is through exporting them to France, and employing agents who will sell the detergents at the renowned malls such as La Vallee Village. The objective of using this channel of distribution is to minimize on the costs of production; if they have to be made in France, it would be expensive. Secondly, I seek to capitalize on the good name of various malls, which will boost the sales of the detergent. As pointed out, when the detergents arrive in France, they will be sent to the selling agents who will retail them within the identified malls. This structure supports my objective.

Reviewing Peer Posts

The first post I read reported on selling the Spring Clean's detergent in Spain (Madrid).….....

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