Formative Evaluation Term Paper

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Formative Evaluation

The future of education is undoubtedly linked to and dependent on technology in the classroom. The pen-and-paper term papers of yesterday have become the e-mailed .doc files of today, and many speculate that the classroom itself of today will become the online learning system of tomorrow. To keep our children on the cutting edge and prepared for the digital world ahead, it is vital that computers be integrated into every part of education. The class that I have chosen to evaluate is a sixth grade physical education class which is introducing computer technology into the curriculum of the class. It is certainly nontraditional to incorporate computers into a "gym" class which is generally focused around the organic body, but this technology does offer some incredible possibilities for what the students can achieve in the class. It is my goal to ensure that the introduction of computer usage into this class reaches its full functionality and potential.

In collaboration with the introduction of computer usage into the sixth grade physical education class curriculum, I will evaluate the academic and physical performance of the students in this nontraditional physical education class using some very traditional methods.
First, although a constructivist approach to education might imply that these do not give a true indication of success rates, the grades of the students involved will be reviewed. Do the grades of these students stay the same, drop, or improve in this class? Is there a fluctuation in grades obtained in other classes as well that could be related to the introduction of computer usage in this class? Second, I will review the results of any national or regional fitness education programs in which the class already participates, and assist the teachers in enrolling the classes into more national or regional fitness programs (such as the Presidential Fitness Awards program) so that the performance of the students can be measured by the national standards, and so that the performance can be easily compared to national statistics.

In order for the results of this introduction of technology into the physical education….....

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