Fredrickson Et Al. (2003) Used Essay

Total Length: 567 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The authors believed the theory was confirmed by the indication that people with pre-existing high trait resilience (namely already existent strong tendency towards specific positive emotions) seemed to show interest in life and other positive emotions more intensely and frequently than did the other participants who experienced the same crisis (in this aspect, September 11th). Analysis also suggested that positive emotions helped buffer event and helped individuals surmount trauma.

Resilience can be attributed to various factors, and, indeed, the literature on resilience is huge. It is apparent here that Fredrickson et al. (2003) approached resilience from their specific vantage point since, already influenced by Frederickson's theory and obviously subjective since one of the authors is Fredrickson herself, they viewed resilience in the context of her theory and produced outcomes that resonated with her approach.

Our perspectives on the world are generated by aspects such as socialization, emotions, and opinions that appeal to us (often those that, in a pattern of my-confirmation, adhere with existent beliefs). Fredrickson et al. (2003) had apparently accepted Fredrickson's (2003) theory as plausible before formulating their research study, and, consequently, framed their investigations within the context of her theory that they already accepted as fact......

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