Genetics and Juvenile Delinquency Term Paper

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Juvenile Delinquency and Genetics

Genetics and Juvenile Delinquency

The role of genetics in delinquent behavior

Although the role of genetics in determining human behavior has become an increasingly popular explanation for a variety of sociological phenomenon, until recently, social learning theory tended to be the most common way to explain delinquency. This theory suggested that children 'learn' appropriate standards of behavior from parents, peers, and other adults. However, there remains the question of why certain adolescents seem to have more of a tendency to exhibit low levels of self-control, to act out, and to associate with delinquent peers. One explanation is genetics. For example, one theory suggests that the precise configuration of the prefrontal cortex has a great deal of influence over the ability of the individual to control his or her impulses, which thus influences behavior. The extent to which genetics influences behavior vs. environmental conditions is controversial, however with an estimated range of 50% and 90% influence of genetics upon delinquent behavior vs. environment (Beaver et al. 2009: 41).

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Thus, some researchers still insist that social factors, most notably peer group influences, are largely to blame (Beaver et al. 2009: 45). However, twin studies indicate that genetics must have some influence: pairs of identical twins, all other variables being equal, are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior than non-identical twins (Beaver et al. 2009: 51). Identical twins are more likely to exhibit similar levels of low levels of self-control and a propensity to have delinquent friends, suggesting that genetic variables influence behavioral variables, and delinquent behavior does not occur solely due to exterior pressures. It should be noted, however, that there are likely epigenetic factors that contribute to delinquency: there is a dialogue between environment and genetics -- the effects of certain genetic influences may only make themselves….....

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