Gerontology Called Psychological Aspects Aging Retirement Can Essay

Total Length: 884 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Gerontology called Psychological Aspects Aging

Retirement can have a strong effect on a person's life and on how he or she comes to perceive society in general. The fact that people end a long chapter in their lives when they retire means that they are likely to be somewhat confused and unsure regarding their future. One of the most intriguing aspects of this process involves the person's identity and the way that it is transformed. Many are inclined to believe that their jobs kept them active and gave them a sense of purpose. These respective individuals can thus feel that they abandoned an important part of their lives when they retired and that even though they have more time at leisure they are unable to actually appreciate it to the fullest.

The fact that people currently have access to substances that make it more likely for them to live longer means that they can also consider the prospect of doing a series of activities consequent to the moment when they retire. One can consider five stages when discussing with regard to retirement and the effects it has on an individual: "a growing interest as retirement approaches, initial euphoria, some stress, dealing with adjustments to a new lifestyle, then settling down." (Osborne 47)

Osborne's article relates to the early stages of a retirement, as it is during this phase that the person actually acknowledges the difference between his or her old life and the life he or she has in the present.

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The writer intends to have readers better acquainted with the degree to which the first years of retirement can affect a person from a psychological point-of-view, especially given that the respective individual's thinking for the rest of his or her life is likely to be a reflection of these early years of retirement.

Society has a limited understanding of the role depression plays in case of older people. Even with the fact that prevalence rates have been observed to be lower in younger people, numerous older individuals currently suffer from forms of depression that can be more difficult to identify. This is also made worse by individuals being inclined to believe that diverse types of grumpiness are perfectly normal in older people and that they are not actually suffering from depression. "It is possible that current diagnostic criteria and age stereotypes under-represent the true prevalence rates for depression and anxiety….....

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