Groupings, Answer Steps Outlined Duvall: Pp. 100 Essay

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groupings, answer steps outlined Duvall: pp. 100 -- 102. • Group 1: Romans 8:26-27 Duvall explains illustrates steps Interpretive Journey New Testament letters. Apply steps passage assigned group.

Romans 8:26 -- 27

The letter of Paul to the Romans was written when Paul was exercising his capacity as an apostle to the gentiles and still defining what it meant to be a Christian. Although Paul was Jewish, he did not believe that non-Jewish Christians needed to keep Mosaic Law to be holy and follow Christ. In this passage, Paul emphasizes the importance of the spirit, not the flesh. He stresses that the spirit will guide the new community of Christians to know what to do, even as they face persecution. The flesh or physical actions are less important than the spirit: Paul's reference to the flesh also invokes the suffering and persecution that the Christians were undergoing at the hands of the Romans, suggesting that worldly power is ultimately meaningless in contrast to the eternal kingdom of heaven.

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Step 2

Today, notions of flesh and spirit are understood in a much more individualistic sense. The question of the need to follow Mosaic Law has been decided and Christianity is no longer a minority, mistrusted religion as it was during the Roman Empire. However, there are many examples in contemporary culture of how concerns of the flesh override spiritual concerns in a manner that the believer's way can be easily lost.

Step 3

Ultimately, regardless of the era during which the preaching took place, Christianity is a religion that stresses the eternal nature of the spirit, and the transient nature….....

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