High Performance Organization the Intent Term Paper

Total Length: 792 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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H3. The higher the domestic market competition, the more likely the organization use of high performance organizational practices.

H4. The higher the international market competition, the more likely the organization use of high performance organizational practices.

H5. The higher the domestic market competition, the less likely the organizations adopt bureaucratic structure.

H6. The higher the international market competition, the less likely the organizations adopt bureaucratic structure.

H7. The higher the percentage of organizations adopting bureaucratic structures in an industry, the more likely the organizations adopt bureaucratic structures in the same industry.

H8. The higher the percentage of other organizations adopting high performance work practices in an industry, the more likely the organizations adopt high performance work practices in the same industry.

Research Design

The researcher has chosen to use the 1996 -- 1997 data set from the National Organizations Study (NOS) that is based on a series of computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) completed by interviewers from the Minnesota Center for Survey Research (MCSR) at the University of Minnesota. The research is dealing with a ten-year-old data set yet does his bet to make it statistically relevant, using a stratified sample of 40 categories from Dun & Bradstreet to define company size ranges and revenue.

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The findings are what one would suspect form the series of hypotheses and research design namely a bureaucratic organization suffocates even the least levels of high performance systems, and doesn't let up until any element of nonconformity is gone. The higher the level of teamwork, training, job autonomy and implied transformational leadership, the greater the level of job satisfaction and corresponding performance gains of a team. The lessons learned indicate that an organization will often model itself on successful peer companies or enterprise, hence the heavy reliance on structural isomorphism and theories that support this level of analysis and associative dimensionality of organizational performance. Further, the studies' results also show that when an organization is faced with uncertainty its reliance more on mimicry and emulation is evident in organizations with weak leaders. It is implied from the analysis that a transformational leader will be able to selectively guide an organization to its objectives through the use of selective structural isomorphism. Leaders who can attain this level of performance can often navigate their teams to higher performance as a result......

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