House' (Surely, It Involves a Essay

Total Length: 605 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Rihanna is certainly a controversial individual and she appears to be well-acquainted with what sells in the present. While Lady Gaga is certainly interesting, it seems that she is taking things too far and that her artistic style goes beyond music and into other spheres of influence. In contrast, Rihanna actually focuses on music in addition to selling an image involving sex, violence, rebellion, and glamour. She practically appears to be the embodiment of the early twenty-first century, taking into account that this time period has been all about return of retro attitudes while embracing open minded and even exaggerated thinking.

One needs to keep in mind that it would be wrong to compare artists that are likely to enter the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as they have each come up with a unique style and have provided society with a series of characteristics that no one else was managed to put across.
This is why individuals like Rihanna are likely to get there, she virtually created a counter-culture.

Snoop Doggy Dog, Snoop Dog, or Snoop Lion is a very complex personae and he managed to go beyond behavior and thinking attributed to rappers in general. He is the kind of individual that managed to maintain his coolness over the years and who is appreciated both for his nature and for his music. In order to understand why he is different from other rappers one needs to focus on how many of the individuals who he used to sing with are no longer attractive for the general public.

This person's music puts across a vibe that makes it difficult to forget and that is likely to entertain individuals for decades….....

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