HRM Best Practices the Primary Term Paper

Total Length: 1557 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The survey will be distributed among employees to gauge which benefits they deem most necessary in the upcoming decade to promote retention and high performance in the workplace. In addition the researcher proposes interviewing via an open ended questionnaire 10 HRM officials within 10 organizations to gauge their views on the emerging trends and role human resources plays in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Data Collection

Surveys and questionnaires will be distributed via electronic format and respondents will be allowed to provide information anonymously in the hopes of gathering as much information as possible. The information gathered from the surveys and questionnaire will be compared with information gathered from the literature review.


From the information gathered from both the field research and the literature review the researcher will develop scientifically grounded conclusions that will hopefully reveal what the emerging best practices and trends are with regard to HRM. The research will hopefully contribute to the growing body of literature that currently exists on the subject of HRM, and will hopefully help direct future research aimed at improving human resource practices to better reflect the needs of the dynamic workforce that currently occupies the strategic workplace......

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"HRM Best Practices The Primary", 02 May 2005, Accessed.2 June. 2024,