HRM Starbucks Strategy Essay

Total Length: 832 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Career Page, the company has the tag line "connect to something bigger," and this illustrates the way that Starbucks' human resources strategy aligns with its overall strategy. First and foremost, Starbucks is in the service industry, selling the Starbucks Experience to its customers. To provide that service, the company wants to hire motivated people that provide a consistently high level of service. Starbucks needs to accomplish this even though it does not necessarily pay a high wage. Connecting to something bigger implies a high level of intrinsic motivation, which is precisely what will drive Starbucks employees to deliver an excellent customer experience every time.

Strategic Objectives

Starbucks' mission statement is "to nurture the human spirit -- one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time." The company subdivides its objectives by stakeholder, noting how customers, stores, neighborhoods and shareholders all relate to its strategic objectives. Employees ("partners") have passion and can be themselves, treating each other with respect and dignity. This allows for a higher degree of expressiveness and actualization, two things that will result in better customer service perceptions. Further, the company highlights that it wants to "connect with, laugh with and uplift the lives of our customers," things that require a high level of staff engagement to achieve.
The company therefore wants to find people who are engaged, and have a high level of intrinsic motivation to perform.

HR Objectives

The service philosophy for Starbucks captures what it wants in its human resources policy. Each customer interaction is a connection, and each interaction is unique. What this means is that the company needs to attract, retain and motivate staff who are capable of delivering that high service standard at all times. This drives hiring, and many of the managerial staff are internal hires as well, bringing with them that same commitment to the customer even if they are no longer in a front-line role.


There is a high degree of alignment between the human resource strategy and the overall strategy at Starbucks. The company realizes that the product (coffee) is not nearly as important as the service offering. As such, finding the right people is essential to success. The coffee business is highly competitive, and if service standards begin to suffer, Starbucks will see its business decline as customers defect to competitors. Not only does the company place emphasis on recruiting, but its training processes help to build the sense of common culture, and to reinforce the message that the….....

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