Innovation in Organizations Innovation Is Significant for Essay

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Innovation in Organizations

Innovation is significant for all business entities, the different levels to which this significance applies notwithstanding. Bringing this about also requires the implementation of features like training, incentives, and education whose roles in triggering innovation are widespread. It is however imperative that implementing such features, say the reward systems, the organizations institute proper leadership and follow carefully laid down principles considering, the ethical implications they come with. Additionally, the definition of organizations as either innovative or not depends on a variety of aspects as described in this discussion.

Innovation in Organizations

Innovation takes different shapes in organization as the nature of these business entities governs. It is however apparent that a number of factors commonly run through these organizations as triggers for innovation. Some of the features include incentives, training, and education. Terziovski (2007) indicates that education; training and advancing incentives to employees, organizations motivate their workers, providing an accelerated environment for being creative and thus enhance innovation within the organization as a whole. Education and training equips individuals with knowledge and problem solving capabilities aside from making them confident in presenting their ideas. Incentives in the form of vacations, gratitude, money etc. push workers to innovativeness by propelling them to learn new ideas and providing them with the capacity to enjoy and put to use what they learn in a real work environment. The three elements not only fuel innovation on a one-time basis but also make this factor a continuing phenomenon in the organization.

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Aside from enhancing the learning process among employees, incentives training and education increase participation and competitiveness as the works are encouraged to continually participate in challenges and outdo one another. In pursuing excellence, surpassing the set goals and becoming more creates, the workers are, rewarded. This fuels the passion for continual improvement from the workers with the view of accessing the same or better incentives repeatedly thus encouraging continued innovativeness.

Leadership serves a great role in the creation, management, and upholding innovativeness. The fact that they oversee the features of motivation as presented in provision of learning and training opportunities puts them at the centre of the process of innovation within organizations. According to Sarros, Cooper, & Santora (2011), leaders hold the vision of the organizations they manage and as such provide room for innovation through providing flexibility and encouraging their subjects among other things. Irrespective of the fat that the development and sustainability of organization lies with all the stakeholders, the greater burden rests with the leaders. An addition, leaders provide training opportunities to employers and to themselves by organizing seminars and workshop and paving way for further education for workers in the organization (Terziovski 2007). This provides empowerment for the workers thus ensuring organization do not just adopt innovation but control it and maintain it through the organizations day-to-day operations.

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