International Marketing Rimmel London Is Term Paper

Total Length: 502 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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In general, the place of manufacture means little to the customers, except when the local producer adapts the products to suit local tastes, as has been the case with Rimmel in China. The place of manufacture is relevant to the company's workers however. Due to local regulations, the company often produces domestically. For example, Coty signed an agreement with a Chinese firm to manufacture Rimmel locally when the brand was launched in the Chinese market (Montague-Jones, 2008). These local producers become an important stakeholder, as do the governments of those nations that support the use of local producers.

Demands of the Market

The target market demands reasonable quality make-up at a reasonable price.

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For the most part, Rimmel is able to meet this demand. There are indications that certain products do not meet consumer demands with respect to quality. This indicates that place of manufacture can impact on customers as stakeholders, in that certain manufacturing facilities may not be able to uphold the standards that the customers expect in their Rimmel products. Such instances of failure also hurt the internal stakeholders of the company, which faces constricted opportunity and diminished revenues or profits. With respect to price, Rimmel appears to be able to satisfy market expectations. Its choice of manufacturing facilities allows it to sell its make-up at the low prices expected in the marketplace.


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