Iteamwork.Com, Is a Potentially Valuable Term Paper

Total Length: 906 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Users can view the project in terms of tasks or members, making at-a-glance looks at progress easier.

Power is placed in the hands of the project manager, who has access to administrative functions other members do not have. The team manager, the individual who sets up the project on iteamwork, can temporarily transfer the managerial title to another member. Project managers can reassign tasks and perform other functions like delete projects. Tasks can be deleted by the team member who created them but only project managers can delete the projects.

The software does and should have mechanisms in place that prevent unwanted changes to the project, its members, or its dates. Yet the software also increases the egalitarian features of teamwork by allowing all members to participate, ask questions, and make suggestions for improving team efficiency. The software also allows for a high degree of team member independence, especially given that email notifications and personal log-ins allow individuals to pace themselves and keep abreast of their own performance. Team members can work with the virtual group any time, and anywhere, even after work hours.

A and the iteamwork software were developed several years ago and have undergone numerous upgrades, updates, and revisions. Therefore, users can rely on a tried and tested project. The current GUI and overall "look" is straightforward: not too flashy but not too plain or graphically ugly either.

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Navigation is relatively easy. The target user groups include mainly project managers, most of whom will be able to get at least some use out of when creating and managing teams. The bonus of having the software being hosted online is that teams can be comprised with members in different geographic locations. Therefore, iteamwork and are well-suited for larger organizations with multiple offices or any organization that relies on telecommuters.

Small and mid-sized organizations will also appreciate the free version of the software, hosted by The software is adaptable to projects of any type and size, except possibly for highly specific industries such as architecture or medical research. However, most business or communications-oriented projects can be managed using iteamwork. Even individuals who are not members of an organization can use the software to accomplish personal projects like home renovations. Compared with other project management software, iteamwork stands out as being among the best. It is free, easy to use, easy to look at, customizable, and accessible by all members of a team. Having reviewed several other similar applications, I would recommend iteamwork to anyone needing organizational software.


Online to Do List and Task Management." Retrieved Feb 23, 2008 at

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