Justifing the Positions on Strategic Research Paper

Total Length: 1152 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In its incipient stages, knowledge management would be promoted as an integrant party of information systems, which collect and process data. The processes would be complicated and based on strict statistical information. Yet, as time progressed, the understanding of knowledge management became clearer. Today, knowledge management as an information system within the organization is used for any of the following:

"Creation of knowledge databases - best practices, expert directories, market intelligence etc.

Effective information management - gathering, filtering, classifying, storing etc.

Incorporation of knowledge into business processes e.g. through the use of help screens in computer procedures or access to experts from icons

Development of knowledge centers - focal points for knowledge skills and facilitating knowledge flow

Reuse of knowledge at customer support centers e.g. via case-based reasoning

Introduction of collaborative technologies, especially Intranets or groupware, for rapid information access

Knowledge webs - networks of experts who collaborate across and beyond an organization's functional and geographic boundaries

Augmentation of decision support processes, such as through expert systems or group decision support systems" (Skyrme)

A fourth angle in looking at knowledge management in the globalizing context is given by the decision making process. The decision making process has evolved from its stage of natural evolution to its modern place of multiple choices and multiple scenarios, determined and influenced by countless variables. And this context has been created and promoted by a globalizing context in which economic agents are confronted with more opportunities, but also more challenges.

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In this international setting, the intellectual capital is pivotal in making the best decision. An adequate system of knowledge management will ensure that the managers possess sufficient and relevant information regarding the competitors' strategies, the customers' demands, the products and services' features and so on. In other words, knowledge management assumes the position of pivotal component of the decision making process. At a general level, this role is played through five consecutive and cyclic stages, as follows: (1) identification of knowledge; (2) creation of knowledge; (3) codification of knowledge; (4) storage of knowledge and (5) diffusion and use of knowledge (Harron).

A final perspective in assessing the processes of knowledge management is that of the impediments which are created. In the general understanding, globalization is understood as a promoter of knowledge management, but it should also be recognized that it does create some challenges as well. Globalization for instance creates a new work place, a more dynamic and more demanding working environment. The people, who possess the intellectual capital and who need to be managed, are culturally diverse and as such driven by different needs and features. Another challenge is given by the internationally expanding technologies or by the new managerial practices and concepts, which also expand globe wide (Buono and Poulfelt, 2005)......

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